Ouvrage | Book
- Feuillet T., Cossart E., Commenges H., 2019. Manuel de géographie quantitative. Concepts, outils, méthodes. A. Colin, Paris, 192 p.
Articles | Papers
Duvil J., Feuillet T., Emmanuel E., Paul B., 2024. Assessing the vulnerability of farming households on the Caribbean island of Hispaniola to climate change. Climate, 12(9), 138.
Feuillet T., Charreire H., 2024. The geographical dimension of daily active mobility. In Vallée J. (ed.), Everyday mobility and health, Wiley - ISTE, 143-170.
Feuillet T., Cossart E., Charreire H., Banos A., Pilkington H., Chasles V., Hercberg S., Touvier M., Oppert J.M., 2024. Hybridising geographically weighted regression and multilevel models: a new approach to capture contextual effects in geographical analyses. Geographical analysis, 56(3), 554–572.
Fuentes-Vallejo M., Rican S., Feuillet T., Quintero J., Godard V., 2024. Persistance territoriale de la dengue dans un espace urbain hyperendémique en Colombie. Suds, 288.
Charreire H., Conti B., Bauchard L., Cissé N.A., Perignon M., Rollet P., Perrin C., Blanchard S., Roda C., Feuillet T., Madelin M., Dupuis V., Evrard A., Hellequin A., Coll I., Larrue C., Baudet-Michel S., Vernouillet G., Ntsame-Abegue F., Fabre I., Méjean C., Oppert J.M., 2023. A natural experiment to assess how urban interventions in lower socioeconomic areas influence health behaviors: The UrbASanté study. BMC public health, 23, 498.
Bortolamiol S., Feuillet T., Kagoro W., Namirembe R., Asalu E., Krief S., 2023. Illegal harvesting within a protected area: Spatial distribution of activities, social drivers of wild meat consumption, and wildlife conservation. Animals, 13(5), 771.
Birre D., Feuillet T., Lagalis R., Milian J., Alexandre F., Sheeren D., Serrano Notivoli R., Vignal M., Bader M., 2023. A new method for quantifying treeline-ecotone change based on multiple spatial pattern dimensions. Landscape ecology, 38, 779–796.
Guillien A., Bédard A., Dumas O., Allegre J., Arnault N., Bochaton A., Druesne-Pecollo N., Dumay D., Fezeu L., Hercberg S., Le Moual N., Pilkington H., Rican S., Sit G., Szabo de Edelenyi F., Touvier M., Galan P., Feuillet T., Varraso R., Siroux V., 2022. Exposome profiles and asthma among French adults. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine, 206(10), 1208–1219.
Recchia D., Perignon M., Rollet P., Vonthron S., Perrin C., Tharrey M., Darmon N., Feuillet T., Méjean C., 2022. Associations between retail food environment and the nutritional quality of food purchases in French households: The Mont’Panier cross-sectional study. PLoS ONE, 17(4) : e0267639.
Le Boennec R., Bulteau J., Feuillet T., 2022. The role of commuter rail accessibility in the formation of residential land values: Exploring spatial heterogeneity in peri-urban and remote areas. The annals of regional science, 69, 16–186.
Pilkington H., Feuillet T., Rican S., Goupil de Bouillé J., Cailhol J., Bihan H., Lombrail P., Julia C., 2021. Spatial determinants of excess all-cause mortality during the first wave of the COVID-19 epidemic in France. BMC public health, 21, 2157.
Feuillet T., Bulteau J., Dantan S. 2021. Modelling the context-specific relationships between neighbourhood socioeconomic disadvantage and private car use through a random slope hierarchical generalised additive modelling framework. Journal of transport geography, 93, 103060.
Bulteau J., Feuillet T., Dantan S., 2021. Encouraging carpooling for commuting in the Paris area (France): Which incentives and for whom?. Transportation, 50, 43–62.
Darly S., Feuillet T., Laforêt C. 2021. Home gardening and the social divide of suburban space: methodological proposal for the spatial analysis of a social practice in the Greater Paris area. Sustainability, 13(6), 3243.
Desgeorges M., Nazare J.-A., Enaux C., J.-M. Oppert, Menai M., Charreire H., Salze P., Weber C., Hercberg S., Roda C., Feuillet T., Hess F., Simon C., Perchoux C., 2021. Perceptions of the environment moderate the effects of objectively-measured built environment attributes on active transport. An ACTI-Cités study. Journal of transport and health, 20, 100972.
Feuillet T., Valette J.-V., Charreire H., Kesse-Guyot E., Julia C., Vernez-Moudon A., Herberg S., Touvier M., Oppert J.-M. 2020. Influence of the urban context on the relationship between neighbourhood deprivation and obesity. Social science & medicine, 265, 11353.
Feuillet T., Birre D., Milian J., Godard V., Clauzel C., Serrano Notivoli R., 2020. Spatial dynamics of alpine treelines under global warming: what explains the mismatch between tree densification and altitudinal upward shifts at the treeline ecotone? Journal of biogeography, 47(5), 1056–1068.
- Bulteau J., Feuillet T., Dantan S., 2019. Carpooling and carsharing for commuting in the Paris region : A comprehensive exploration of the individual and contextual correlates of their uses. Travel behavior and society, 16, 77-87.
Feuillet T., Commenges H., Menai M., Salze P., Perchoux C., Reuillon R., Kesse-Guyot E., Enaux C., Nazare J.-A., Hercberg S., Simon C., Charreire H., Oppert J.-M., 2018. A massive geographically weighted regression model of walking-environment relationship. Journal of transport geography, 68, 118-129.
Bulteau J., Feuillet T., Le Boennec R., 2018. Spatial heterogeneity of sustainable transportation offer values : A comparative analysis of Nantes urban and periurban/rural areas (France). Urban science, 2, 14.
Cossart E., Mercier D., Coquin J., Decaulne A., Feuillet T., Jónsson H.P., Sæmundsson Þ., 2017. Denudation rates during a postglacial sequence in Northern Iceland : example of Laxárdalur valley in the Skagafjörður area. Geografiska Annaler: Series A, 1–22
Mercier D., Coquin J., Feuillet T., Decaulne A., Cossart E., Jónsson H.P., Sæmundsson Þ., 2017. Are Icelandic rock-slope failures paraglacial ? Age evaluation of seventeen rock-slope failures in the Skagafjörður area, based on geomorphological stacking, radiocarbon dating and tephrochronology. Geomorphology, 296, 45–58.
Perchoux C., Enaux C., Oppert J.-M., Menai M., Charreire H., Salze P., Hercberg S., Feuillet T., Hess F., Roda C., Simon C., Nazare J.-A., 2017. Individual, social, and environmental correlates of active transportation patterns in French women. BioMed Research International, Art. 9069730.
Perchoux C., Nazare J.A., Benmarhnia T., Salze P., Feuillet T., Herberg S., Hess F., Menai M., Weber C., Charreire H., Enaux C., Oppert J.M., Simon C., 2017. Neighborhood educational disparities in active commuting among women : the effect of distance between the place of residence and the place of work/study (an ACTI-Cités study). BMC Public Health, 17, 569.
Mertens L., Compernolle S., Deforche B., Mackenbach J.D., Lakerveld J., Brug J., Roda C., Feuillet T., Oppert J.-M., Glonti K., Rutter H., Bardos H., De Bourdeaudhuij I., Van Dyck D., 2017. Built environmental correlates of cycling for transport across Europe. Health & Place, 44, 35–42.
Hess F., Salze P., Weber C., Feuillet T., Charreire H., Menai M., Perchoux C., Nazare J.A., Simon C., Oppert J.M., 2017. Active mobility and environment: A pilot qualitative study for the design of a new questionnaire. PLoS ONE, 12(1):e0168986.
Decaulne A., Cossart E., Mercier D., Feuillet T., Coquin J., Jónsson H.P., 2016. An early Holocene age for the Vatn landslide (Skagafjörður, central northern Iceland): Insights into the role of postglacial landsliding on slope development. The holocene, 26(8), 1304-1318.
Coquin J., Mercier D., Bourgeois O., Feuillet T., Decaulne A., 2016. Is gravitational spreading a precursor for the Stífluhólar landslide (Skagafjörður, Northern Iceland)?, Géomorphologie : relief, processus, environnement, 22(1), 9-24.
Feuillet T., Charreire H., Roda C., Ben Rebah M., Mackenbach J.D., Compernolle S., Glonti K., Bárdos H., Rutter H., De Bourdeaudhuij I., McKee M., Brug J., Lakerveld J.,Oppert J.-M., 2016. Neighbourhood typology based on virtual audit of environmental obesogenic characteristics, Obesity reviews, 17(S1), 19-30.
Charreire H., Feuillet T., Roda C., Mackenbach J.D., Compernolle S., Glonti K., Bárdos H., Le Vaillant M., Rutter H., McKee M., De Bourdeaudhuij I., Brug J., Lakerveld J.,Oppert J.-M., 2016. Self-defined residential neighbourhoods : size variations and correlates across five European urban regions, Obesity reviews, 17(S1), 9-18.
Feuillet T., Salze P., Charreire H., Menai M., Enaux C., Perchoux C., Hess F., Kesse-Guyot E., Hercberg S., Simon C., Weber C., Oppert J.-M., 2016. Built environment in local relation with walking : Why here and not there?. Journal of transport & health, 3(4), 300-312.
Roda C., Charreire H., Feuillet T., M., Mackenbach J.D., Compernolle S., Glonti K., Bárdos H., Rutter H., McKee M., Brug J., De Bourdeaudhuij I., Lakerveld J.,Oppert J.-M., 2016. Lifestyle correlates of overweight in adults : a hierarchical approach (the SPOTLIGHT project). International journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity, 13, 114.
Roda C., Charreire H., Feuillet T., Mackenbach J.D., Compernolle S., Glonti K., Ben Rebah M., Bárdos H., Rutter H., McKee M., De Bourdeaudhuij I., Brug J., Lakerveld J., Oppert J.M. 2016. Mismatch between perceived and objectively measured environmental obesogenic features in European neighbourhoods. Obesity reviews, 17(S1), 31-41.
Mertens L., Compernolle S., Gheysen F., Deforche B., Brug J., Mackenbach J.D., Lakerveld J., Oppert J.‐M., Feuillet T., Glonti K., Bárdos H., De Bourdeaudhuij I., 2016.[Perceived environmental correlates of cycling for transport among adults in five regions of Europe] ( Obesity reviews, 17(S1), 53-61.
Mackenbach J.D., Lakerveld J., van Lenthe F.J., Kawachi I., McKee M., Rutter H., Glonti K., Compernolle S., De Bourdeaudhuij I., Feuillet T., Oppert J.M., Nijpels G., Brug J., 2016. Neighbourhood social capital : measurement issues and associations with health outcomes. Obesity reviews, 17(S1), 93-107.
Feuillet T., Charreire H., Salze P., Menai M., Simon C., Dugas J., Hercberg S., Andreeva V.A., Enaux C., Weber C., Oppert J.-M., 2015. Spatial heterogeneity of the relationships between environmental characteristics and active commuting: towards a locally varying social ecological model, International journal of health geographics, 14, 12.
Menai M., Charreire H., Feuillet T., Salze P., Weber C., Enaux C., Andreeva V.A., Hercberg S., Nazare J.-A., Perchoux C., Simon C., Oppert J.-M., 2015. Walking and cycling for commuting, leisure and errands : relations with individual characteristics and leisure-time physical activity in a cross-sectional survey (the ACTI-Cités project). International journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity, 12, 150.
Bertran P., Beauval C., Boulogne S., Brenet M., Costamagno S., Feuillet T., Laroulandie V., Lenoble A., Malaurent P., Mallye J.B., 2015. Experimental archaeology in a mid-latitude periglacial context: insight into site formation and taphonomic processes. Journal of archaelogical science, 57, 283-301
Feuillet T., Coquin J., Mercier D., Cossart E., Decaulne A., Jónsson H.P., Sæmundsson Þ., 2014. Focusing on the spatial nonstationarity of landslide predisposing factors in Northern Iceland. Do paraglacial factors vary over space? Progress in physical geography, 38, 354-377.
Cossart E., Mercier D., Decaulne A., Feuillet T., Sæmundsson Þ., Jónsson H.P., 2014. Impacts of post-glacial rebound on landslide spatial distribution at a regional scale in Northern Iceland (Skagafjörður). Earth surface processes and landforms, 39(3), 336-350.
Mercier D., Decaulne A., Cossart E., Feuillet T., Sæmundsson Þ., Jónsson H.P., 2013. The Höfðahólar rock avalanche (sturzström): chronological constraint of paraglacial landsliding on an Icelandic hillslope. The Holocene, 23(3), 431-445.
Cossart E., Mercier D., Decaulne A., Feuillet T., 2013. An overview of the consequences of paraglacial landsliding on deglaciated mountain slopes : typology, timing and contribution to cascading fluxes. Quaternaire, 24(1), 13-24.
Feuillet T., Mercier D., 2012. Post-Little Ice Age patterned ground development on two Pyrenean proglacial areas: from deglaciation to periglaciation. Geografiska Annaler, Series A, 94(3), 363-376.
Feuillet T., Mercier D., Decaulne A., Cossart E., 2012. Classification of sorted patterned ground areas based on their environmental characteristics (Skagafjörður, Northern Iceland). Geomorphology, 139-140, 577-587.
Feuillet T., 2011. Statistical analyses of active patterned ground occurrence in the Taillon Massif (Pyrénées, France/Spain). Permafrost and periglacial processes, 22(3), 228-238.
Monnier S., Camerlynck C., Rejiba F., Kinnard C., Feuillet T., Dhemaied A., 2011. The structure and genesis of the Thabor rock glacier (Northern French Alps) determined from morphology analysis and Ground Penetrating Radar survey. Geomorphology, 114, 269-279.
Feuillet T., Sourp E., 2011. Geomorphological heritage of the Pyrénées National Park (France): assessment, clustering and promotion of geomorphosites, Geoheritage, 3(3), 151-162.